Monday, 11 February 2013


Happy Monday my people! I had a lovely, chilled weekend. On Saturday I did some spring cleaning and laundry. I love a clean living space and the actual cleaning process is therapeutic. Then  yesterday I went to a Chesa Nyama(braai/barbecue) with a friend. I wore this tribal print dress and my favourite sandals. I've noticed this is my 3rd post in a row wearing these David Tlale(Legit range) babies! geez I'm embarrassed  but I just love them to bits. They go with any and everything. I've been without hair extension for the past 3 weeks. I  must say I'm enjoying washing my hair whenever I want to as opposed to when I have a weave on. lol..

John Lennon inspired sunglasses: Mr. Price; Don't you just like my Donald Trump comb over?lol

Tribal print dress: Jet, black sanadals: Legit an d red bag: Edgars


  1. Ugh your shades ar breaking my heart right now... You looked so lovely.

    1. Thanks Nomz. I've had the sunnies for over a year now

    2. You've had those bad boys for over a year?! Boy, you take good care of your shades, mine are either in my boot, my bag or somewhere at work I never know where they are. Lol. I'm bad with shades. That dress is really cute though, perfect for summer and just busy enough for you to be dressed up without being too dressed up. Lol.

    3. Honey I don't mess around with my sunnies! never ever! I know one day they'll be great jewels for generations to come, just like our gogo's did with the stuff we proudly call 'vintage finds' these days lol...See this dress is so easy to rock. I had a spikes neckpiece on, but applied that whole 'take off one accessory before leaving the house' and viola!

  2. I miss East London my friend, for the beautiful weather, breezy dressed and the beach front *cries*

    p.s. you look stunning, as always!

  3. love that dress!! and 'chesa nyama' jus made me homesick... we call meat nyama too! lol!(from Zimbabwe but now living in England).

    hope you had a great time!

    have you joined my giveaway yet?? few days left to participate in the valentine giveaway... ends on valentines day ♥

    1. Nguni languages are all similar like that Ruva! saw the comment late, couldn't enter your giveaway

  4. The print is amazing, looks really nice on you.

    loving those sunglasses as well :)

  5. I love your dress its gorgeous! Your blog is lovely too, I'd love it if you could check out mine :)


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