Monday, 25 February 2013

OOTD: 22/02/2013

Happy Monday everyone. Trust that you had a lovely weekend! Mine was wonderful. We celebrated one of my aunt's 50th birthday. I find it cool that she just 50 and I'll be turning 25 on Thursday! :) 

I wore the outfit below on Friday last week. I was working in Bhisho, during the State of the Province Address for the Eastern Cape. Members of parliament are known for dressing up for the do. Because I'm just a commoner (lol) and I was on duty, I couldn't do as they do. I wore this black maxi dress from Legit. I like it.

black maxi dress and gold and black sandals: Legit, Gold cuffs: Mr Price, beige bag: Becca boutique, gold belt came out with a dress or skirt or something, cant remember

Love the back detail of the dress.Don't mind my back fat. lol
photos by Anazo Nongubo


  1. The perfect black maxi indeed!

  2. Yay akasemhle, I don't even see the fat but she proclaims lol

  3. You're so beautiful, the maxi suits you and stop pointing out non-existent fat!I love the sharpness and clarity of the pictures!Great job by Anazo Nongubo!

  4. You're really and I'm loving your outfit, very cute

  5. Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

    An Thái Sơn chia sẻ trẻ sơ sinh nằm nôi điện có tốt không hay võng điện có tốt không và giải đáp cục điện đưa võng giá bao nhiêu cũng như mua máy đưa võng ở tphcm địa chỉ ở đâu uy tín.


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