Friday, 17 August 2012

Spring! is that you?

So I've been going on about how much I miss spring, Gosh I do! This whole week has been nice and warm in East London. Hot even, I couldn't pass an opportunity to rock a summer frock! I will dress up this lacey baby in future. But I wasn't in the mood for heels this day so my rope sandals won!

Sunnies: Mr. Price, Dress, bag and sandals: Fashion Express, Jacket had it for over 5 years, forgot where I got it

Had to keep the jacket close by in case the weather changed


  1. tshomi i want a lace dress like this one...ndinendawo ezililayo ngoku. you look stunning!

  2. Those sunnies are the best fashion-related in my life right now. You look great! Great frok dai.

    Love from Jo'burg

  3. you look Amazing! love the lace dress. would really appreciate if we can followe each others blog. and i'll follow back

  4. i love that lace dress as well as your sandals!


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