Thursday, 10 May 2012


Okay so let me do a quick recap of what I've been doing, it's a lot but I will try not bore you with the details. I would love to go into detail, but thanks to a friend of mine who says I get carried I way when I write, so I'll keep it simple and just post my outfits for whatever I was doing. Posting on Instagram makes me a bit lazy to post on my blog.

Sunday walk at the beach. Skirt and tommies; Mr Price, Vest; Woolies

regular day at work. Jeans: Legit; shoes: Mr Price; Shirt:Ackermans; Blazer: foschini

1 comment:

  1. I like it here! Joined via Google friend connect, get you an about page, I like about pages they feed my curiosity.

    Love from Jo'burg


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