Friday, 16 March 2012


It's been a busy week for me, at work and in my personal life, it's just been hectic. I'm not complaining though, it was all good things. After work on Monday I hung out with an entrepreneur friend, he's helping develop my own business. So that was cool. Then on Tuesday we went to a documentary movie screening at a local club. The set-up was gorgeous, the movie? brilliant. The down-side was the poor turn-out. only less than 20 people attended. Poor attendance is a big problem in this small town, especially where the arts is concerned. People would rather go to a club and listen to house music than go watch and listen to a documentary. It's really sad.

Then on Wednesday we went to an arts exhibition. The  regional judging of the ABSA L'Atelier took place at the Ann Bryant art gallery, and I had a blast. I love everything about arts exhibitions, the beautiful works on display, the people and of course the good glass of wine. I had an opportunity to catch-up with one my local favourite artist, Buntu who's work I featured on an earlier post.

 The ABSA L'Atelier Now in its 27th year, continues to recognise and reward the skills, talent and imagination that exist in an extremely competitive and often challenging environment as well as presenting a unique opportunity to artists to showcase their talent and embark on new and exciting opportunities. Unfortunately the artists for all the competing works were not there. Below are picture I took there

me and Buntu acting up for the

me and my bestie Lerato Pholo

my friend Seed

PS I'm not crazy about the picture quality, I forgot my camera and used my phone


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