Hello Loves
Some time in mid February I entered a
Maybelline South Africa competition called L'Oreal Maybelline Dream competition on Facebook. You know how it goes, you enter a competition and think "I probably won't win this, there's thousands of pretty girls who visit the page, surely there'll be as many entries". The first stage of the competition required one to post their picture posing with their favourite Maybelline product. Because I have three favourites I took 3 selfies using them, created a collage and entered. Yes there were many entries, gorgeous girls if I may add, but to cut a long story short, I was picked as one of the 10 finalists and I received the news on my birthday(28 February). The second stage required that the finalists send a short video of themselves motivating why they should win. That was the easiest part for me because I LOVE Maybelline products(and their advertisements more lol), and surely the brand would want someone who knows and loves their products to win. So as soon as I got home after work that day I put together my humble little "set" in my room, that basically means I sat on my camp chair, put my phone on the window seal and started rolling. I did just one take, as honest as could be, edited it immediately(adding the opening and closing segment and music) and viola! I won! ayeye! *big grin*
The prize for competition includes return flight tickets to Cape Town + accommodation (yay I haven't been to CPT since 2012), a pro photo shoot(makeup and wardrobe, the works :D) and wait for it....a feature on Glamour magazine! I'm really really excited bout this. I thought I'd share the video with you. Check it out below. I will definitely share everything about the trip and the shoot so do keep an eye.
the collage for the first round |